Happiness2 Day 251 (9/28)

I have a terrible sense of direction and basically no ability to create mental maps, so today I was very happy to drive to Kim’s school to pick her up without relying on the GPS (it helps that it only ever gives me one route, unlike going between home and her school).

Epilogue: I was happy just now to discover in my drafts and belatedly post yesterday’s happiness as well as August 2nd’s. (That’s why they come after this one.)

Happiness2 Day 246 (9/23)

I took today off, because I had a lot of things that needed to be done that I couldn’t do on a weekend. The one fun thing I did, though, was what made me happy: I walked over to the house of the family we’ve been carpooling with, and had tea with the mom and got to know her better. It was actually a lot of fun.