Happiness2 Day 360 (1/15)

Today I was happy to have a few friends over (and one virtual) to play a 1980’s-themed murder mystery for my pre-birthday celebration. After Carolyn (or rather Leggy Varmer) won by being the first to guess I (or rather, Heather Hurtful) was the murderer, we played some other games. All in all, a fun birthday party before my birthday.

One thought on “Happiness2 Day 360 (1/15)

  1. Carol Bromeland says:

    What a FUN birthday party! Jim and I had one of these party’s when we lived in Houston. It was for NYE, and we fixed a fancy meal with a middle eastern menu, (where the murder took place). Character descriptions were mailed out ahead of time. Folks were supposed to come in costume. Jim in his typical, ‘positive’ take on things, said, “Oh no one will come in costume.” WRONG! These people got so wrapped up in their characters, that when we took a break about half-way through for our meal, these folks would not get out of character! Several of them went to a costume shop for their outfits. It was SO much fun! I never thought of it for a BD party. Maybe I’ll do that for Jim this year! Glad you girls had fun!


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