Happiness2 Day 366 (1/21–My 46th Birthday!!) Or, the Last Post of the Year

While work was boring today, I went through and read the whole year’s worth of posts (this was a lot harder than I expected it to be, due to computer glitches). I noticed I had a few themes that ran through my happiness this year: nature, affection from Kim, feeling like the “Before Times,” and yoga. All of those are good, and can make me happy pretty much at any time.

Today, though, I’m happy that I made it through yet another year without a complete mental breakdown as the world suffers through this neverending Covid mess. I’m happy that Kim and I have grown closer over the past year, that our little family feels cohesive, and that Maggie is now part of our family. I’m also happy that Matt is not in the same job he was in a year ago, so we see him more frequently and for longer blocks of time.

I’m happy that I turned 46 today, because that means I’ve made it through a lot of crazy things and big things and small things since January 21, 1976. And, as always, the world isn’t the same now as it was a year ago, but we are still living in the same house (the one in which the furnace died on my birthday a year ago and took over a week to get fixed), I’m still in the same job (but with a different boss), and now I’m back at work in person, and Kim is in school in person.

Today, specifically, I was happy to get boba tea with Kim after school, then (after waiting quite a while for her to get ready), go out to dinner with Matt and Kim, come home and watch TV and eat chocolate cake!

I’m happy I had a great birthday!!

Happiness2 Day 364 (1/19)

Today it made me happy (maybe) to learn that Kim now has a boyfriend. His name is Jacob, and she’s planning to “see how it goes,” because she has other things like school and friends to take up some of her time (that part definitely made me happy).

Happiness2 Day 360 (1/15)

Today I was happy to have a few friends over (and one virtual) to play a 1980’s-themed murder mystery for my pre-birthday celebration. After Carolyn (or rather Leggy Varmer) won by being the first to guess I (or rather, Heather Hurtful) was the murderer, we played some other games. All in all, a fun birthday party before my birthday.